Get Help If You Suspect Exploitation

Exploitation of the elderly and other persons at risk is increasing daily. The K&G Estate Department has an array of tools and lawyers to help in these difficult cases. Society should protect it’s most vulnerable, elderly, children, the disabled but alarmingly these vulnerable people are most often at risk from their own families.

Abuse of persons at risk can come in many forms. Physical, emotional or financial. Protecting at risk individuals begins with education, training and sometimes legal intervention. If you become aware of an abuse case please take these steps immediately:

  1. Report to the person responsible for the person unless that is the abuser.
  2. Report to authorities. Police and sheriff departments have training and personnel to deal with these cases.
  3. Contact our office 303-688-3535 for assistance. The K&G Estate Department has attorneys trained to assist with these matters and who specialize in protecting at risk individuals.

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